島根県石浜田市にある工房 かわひら「神の国から」


Sekishu Kawahira


It is said that the unique techniques of Sekishu-Banshi paper-making

was brought by Kakimoto no Hitomaro.

Even now, this traditional hand-made process of paper-making

techniques such as locally planting, harvesting and steaming off the

outer bark, have been handed down to generation to generation.

 No chemical but only natural plants, the Abelmoschus manihot used as

mucilage when the fibered are soaked in water before filtered with a

wooden-framed bamboo screen to form sheets.

The dusts of raw materials are removed by spreading individual Kozo

manually in the cold water even in the winter.

 In fact, it is most time consuming and hard work and it need to be

done very carefully with focus without using any machine which might

caused the fundamental damage to the fiber.

 Traditional method "Nagashi Suki" process has been used without any

changes for 1300 years.

 "Suki" process has been repeated until to form right width of paper,

then dried on wooden or metal boards in the shadow with avoiding

direct sun light.

 Sekishu-Banshi which has strictly define their own materials and work

process traditionally was inscribed in 2009 on the Representative List

of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

 Kawahira continues protecting their traditional techniques and

passing to the public and younger generation.

 We will continue working as a specialist of traditional paper marking

with pride and paper will be touched people's hart and to be used by

many people in the world.

 Kakinomoto no Hitomaro (柿本人麻呂: c. 662 - 710) was a Japanese poet and aristocrat

 Suki: important process of papre-making, the fibres boiled, beaten by

hand, mixed with mucilage in water, and then filtered with a

wooden-framed bamboo screen to form sheets




UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage

Japan Important Intangible Property

Sekishu-Banshi (Papermaking in the Iwami region of Shimane Prefecture)

Traditional Crafts designated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Traditional Crafts designated by the Shimane prefecture

Sekishu-Washi (Handmade Paper)




683-3 Misumicho-furuichiba, Hamada city, Shimane prefecture, 699-3225

Kawahira (Manufacture and Sales of Sekishu-Banshi, Sekishu-Washi)


TEL/FAX +81 855 32 1166


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